The researchers actively supported the respondents in case they had questions

The interview was conducted by starting with a conversation to retrieve some basic information, such as the socio-structural characteristics of the farm, and it then proceeded to the Q sorting phase. This was carried out by making a sign with the grid, which was completely white so as not to influence the respondents, and providing …

Impacts on public goods and services barely received attention

Recurring topics were the need for shorter value chains, more fairness towards farmers, and less dependence on migrant workers. However, we observed limited adaptive and no transformative responses. This might betray a general orientation towards robustness and attempts to avoid larger changes to the modes of operation. Similar to the results of other studies , …

The respondents confirmed the positive influence of subsidies on the organic sector

In 1994 permanent subsidies for organic farming were implemented . This was extended in 1996 where additional funding was provided for advice to farmers in the transition phase. At the same time subsidies for development initiatives were also given by the state for processing, marketing and distribution of organic products. Denmark also invested into schools, …

Search strings included AND organic AND AND sustainable AND country names to find relevant papers

For example, in 2018 the share of total organic agricultural land, including arable farming and horticulture, was relatively low in the Netherlands, but much larger in Denmark and Austria, respectively 9.8% and 24.7% . For dairy farming, the share of organic dairy cows in the Netherlands was 2.3% in 2017, and in respectively Denmark and Austria …

Clock genes are alleged to controlling circadian rhythms

In addition, this opens the possibility of customising the buffer species and mixtures added, so that the amounts or proportions of the positive  ion portion of the buffer delivered to the system may be adjusted or controlled by choosing buffer species or mixtures based on the buffering capacity of the negative ion. Conductivity continually increases …

The relief process could accommodate only certain traditional landraces which came to the rescue of farmers

Similar results were found by Koch et al.. Nevertheless, the K content, even in leaves of +K plants, was below the range of 5–40 mg K  indicating an adequate supply of K according to White and Karley. However, since the percentage of K in the DM decreased significantly during growth, this value may not be suitable for …

All plants were cut from the base at the intersection of the shoot and root

Roots were removed and the fresh weight of the individual shoot vegetation was measured. Basil is commercially important both as fresh and dry and hence both weights were measured and presented. After weighing, cut portions were dried in a Fisher Scientific Isotemp Standard Lab Oven at 60 C for 96 h. Fresh and dry weights …

Identical volumes of soil patches of either equal  or differential  Zn or Pb concentration were juxtaposed

However, it is important to bear in mind that even if minimising the fertiliser input had a less relevant impact on costs, it is key to preventing leaching nutrients and preserving the over-polluted aquifers in the region.Industrialization during the last centuries has led to extended areas of contamination with increased metal concentration levels. During the last …

The feed demand for livestock would be increased substantially for the increased livestock units

The article analyzed the potential of increasing fodder productivity, seed quality, and control and the potential of fodder production in different aspects of open fields like using barren lands from salinity or water scarcity. Significant industrial development has been noticed in recent years for high-tech controlled environment fodder production, especially in the United States, Europe, …

Principal Component Analysis was carried out on the data-set to visualize the data-set in orthogonal projections

From the aquaponic facility at Caldwell, two water samples were collected per week: one from the fish tank and the other from the plant bed which was used to grow Romaine Lettuce, watercress, lettuce and green peppers. Similarly, from the facility at Bryan, three water samples were collected: one from the Tilapia tank, one from the …