The emphasis has been on empirical analysis of listorical phenomena

Some argue that a major historical strength of agricultural economics has been its tolerance for a range of methodological approaches. Early agricultural economists drew on production agriculture, accounting and business, classical, neoclassical, and institutional economics. Some have even argued that the very parochialism and fragmentation of agricultural economics have been the basis for many of …

Extension workers are often expected to cover large areas with limited staff

Although farmers’ trust and understanding surely influences demand for weather index insurance, resolving these concerns has not proven sufficient to solve the demand issues that beset this financial product. Demand for insurance does increase when farmers observe payouts over time ; receiving payouts in the previous year has a strong effect on increasing subsequent demand, increasing …

We measured the child’s height and weight at the time that spirometry was performed

Ultimately, addressing the question of population-level effects will likely depend on a combination of measured field data, incorporating new methodologies for assessing survival to adulthood , and fish population models.Our observations must be considered within the constraints of the infrastructure in the Yolo Bypass during the time of our field work. In the intervening years …

Several studies have documented the benefits of direct markets to small-scale farmers

The rising temperature will severely reduce the snow pack in the Sierra Nevada, which currently provides almost as much storage at the beginning of the irrigation season as the state’s man-made reservoirs. By the end of the century, the spring snow pack is projected to decline by 30-70% under the B1 scenario, and by 70-90% under …

It is critical that San Diego leverage these advanced scientific tools to further maximize existing and developing programs

Reducing barriers and streamlining viability of opportunities are key factors in advancing sustainable agricultural practices. Economic incentives and supportive programs, at both the state and local levels, are key components to encouraging farmers to engage with these practices. Given that the average age of farmers in the region is 62 , we need to do …

NBA-P ensures that urgent tasks are prioritized subject to both energy and resource budgets

In precision agriculture, overhead imagery can help pinpoint locations that appear to be under water stress, in which case sampling leaves or soil in those areas should be prioritized. We formalize the notion of tasks with distinct urgency by assigning a priority level to tasks. Besides the task priority level, deciding a next task for a robot to …

Hydroponics Rain Gutter Strawberries

Hydroponic rain gutter systems can be an effective way to grow strawberries and other plants. This method combines hydroponic principles with rain gutter technology to create a space-efficient and controlled environment for plant growth. Here’s how you could set up a hydroponic rain gutter system for growing strawberries: Materials Needed: Steps: Remember that successful hydroponic …

Substrates play a prominent role in the quality of a printed feature

Since the first integrated circuits were fabricated at Texas Instruments and Fairchild Semiconductor in the early 1960s,the number of ICs that can fit on a chip has doubled approximately every two years following the well-known Moore’s law. This has been made possible by reducing the minimum feature size. As of 2022, through advancements primarily related to …

The systems approach has several important implications for second generation models

While there was a sense that “decision support” was important, the model developments nevertheless began with research tools that were motivated primarily to better understand basic processes and effects on system performance. As long as model development is motivated primarily by academic and research outcomes, it will remain only loosely connected to user needs. Therefore, …

Eighty percent of almond plantings are now located in the San Joaquin Valley

We examine the half-century of changes in regional shares of production for the major commodity groupings—fruit and nut crops, vegetable crops, and dairy products.Statewide acreage of fruit and nut crops increased throughout the last half a century from about 1.5 million acres in 1950 to nearly 2 million in 1975 and 2.5 million in 2000. …