The PEY had comparable increases in the CA categories under the cropping systems

Rice–wheat generated the maximum economic return with CA, which was 29.0% higher than with the conventional practice . Increase in economic return was similar among the maize–wheat, rice–maize and other systems. Crop-based analyses showed higher yields for wheat and maize than for rice under CA practices . Crops in the ‘others’ category exhibited a 3.8% increase in …

A short lasting fall or spring frost lasts a few hours and can cause substantial damages

Part of the modeled gains in consumer surplus are enjoyed elsewhere, as the majority of pistachio output is currently exported. However, export demand is usually considered more elastic than domestic demand, making the share of local consumer surplus gains disproportionate to the share of local consumption. At a share of 1/3 of total consumption, let …

Soil at both sites was fumigated once a year in summer over a two-year period

Enzyme activities can be used as an index of microbial functional diversity, although accumulated enzymes may contribute considerably to the overall enzyme activity of a soil. A semi-quantitative method to determine enzyme protein contents in soil based on the specific activities of reference enzymes and enzyme activity values of soils was reported by Klose and Tabatabai in …

We estimated nitrogen input from biological fixation for soybean

To reflect the trend of farm energy efficiency gains, we adopted the estimates from the widely used GREET model , which shows an efficiency increase of about 30% for corn and soybean growth over the last decade. Few studies exist on cotton and wheat on-farm energy change, thus we assumed a similar 30% efficiency gain …

Agricultural imports grew at an average rate of 5.9 percent over the same time period

However, the real value of China’s agricultural trade grew at only 2 percent per year, on average, from 1980 to 1996. The overall composition of China’s agricultural trade is presented in Tables 1 through 3. Tables 1 and 2 report exports and imports, respectively, over the five year 1992-96 time period. For the purposes of summarizing …

We focus on responses from landscape managers and golf course managers

About 60% of respondents are aged 45 and above, and only about 17% are aged 25-35. While this might be the result of the age distribution in the major fields of occupation which are potential CIMIS users, it could also be that the current interface of CIMIS caters less to younger potential users who might …

Farmers need to know that they won’t suffer economically to implement these measures

Future work could explore the genomes of these ASVs to discern why they are important in their respective agricultural systems and test the hypothesis that they serve as keystone species using synthetic communities. Concluding whether adaptive plant-microbe feed backs result in an M × R interaction leading to shifts in other rhizosphere processes is complicated by …

Subsequent studies have largely confirmed these initial estimates

It is worth pointing out that that while using nutrients much more intensively, corn growth in TX does not generate a substantially larger eutrophication impact than cotton. This is because nutrient runoff and leaching rates of corn in TX are generally smaller than that of cotton . For all states, as with the average situation …

Analyses were repeated with creatinine-adjusted values to confirm our bivariate results

We then used this model as the foundation for simulation experiments which compare the effects of alternative scenarios regarding agricultural trade and support policies, both before and after accession to the European Union. The purpose of these experiments was to analyze the interactions between the accession “contract,” transition policies, sectoral perfonnance, and the pace of …

Each grid box shows the correlation for the quarters with the highest mean rainfall

Most of the production increases supporting these surpluses may occur in Eastern and Southern Asia and Northern America, where our modeling suggests 47% and 28% of new production will occur as a consequence of 25 to 35% increases in yields. Our projected yields in Eastern Asia and Northern America reach 7,500 kg ha−1 . Yields …