Examples of amber box subsidies are production-based subsidies and price supports

Under these operating assumptions, it was difficult if not impossible to make the argument that CAP payment schemes needed to be reformed so that they were both functional and financially viable once ten new member states from Central and Eastern Europe joined the EU. Excluding the new member states obviated what would have otherwise been …

France and Germany were both reluctant to adopt major agricultural reform

The first significant effort to reform the CAP was the so-called Mansholt Plan. In 1968 the Commission, led by Sicco Mansholt, published the “Memorandum on the Reform of Agriculture in the European Economic Community” commonly referred to as the Mansholt Plan. Mansholt was one of the principal architects of the CAP, representing the Netherlands, and …

The CAP has certainly felt the pressure of post-materialist values

Farmers, due to their large share of the population, exercised a decisive influence in pre- and inter-war Europe. The way that farmers aligned often affected the trajectory of economic policy and regime outcomes . Moore contends that the revolutionary potential of the peasantry was the key determinant of interwar regime outcomes. Where the peasants were driven off the …

Agricultural science in the public domain is increasingly being asked to do more with less

If breeders can increase their imported genetic materials by 10 percent, the marginal cost of wheat variety production will fall by 2.2 percent .Such an effect, a type of spillin, has long been known to play an important role in the effectiveness of spending on agricultural research . Our study demonstrates that spillins are also an …

Future studies should hence rely on farm level observation whenever possible

Weather-induced yield reductions can act like an enforcement mechanism that limits supply to drive up the price, especially if there are land constraints that keep farmers elsewhere from bringing new land into production. A Ricardian analysis of farmland values only measures impacts that are capitalized into farmland values, but does not consider impacts on consumers. …

The fragile ecosystem in the Loess Plateau is associated with environmental degradation

Prices are not updated to the current year to make these results comparable to Lu et al.’s study in 2003; input and output prices have changed at different rates during the past 10 years and some prices could not be recovered from Lu et al. This assumption does not affect lessons from this study.Three SV …

We develop general conditions and then adapt them for empirical use with available data

Many studies have applied portfolio theory to explain acreage allocation in production agriculture . These applications and many since have been primarily applied to crop acreage decisions assuming linear technology and most are in a static setting. This literature, which grew out of Nerlovian models of supply response , is generally based upon adaptive interpretations of …

The three catchments have similar precipitation and soil characteristics

The lack of major effects in either season reflect the nature of the modeling scenario: recall that these islands are treated as “pre-flooded”— with salinity levels set the same as the surrounding channels; this corresponds to long-term conditions or near-term flooding under high river-flow conditions within the Delta, not the near-term effect of a “Big …