Many of these technologies were in widespread use until quite recently

As presented and described in Fig. 6.7A-C, AFM imaging reveals topographic defects precisely aligned with the regions in the Chern magnet in which magnetism has been destroyed. There are two clearly distinct distributions of defects, with thicknesses that differ by about an order of magnitude. It is possible that these correspond to bubbles between two …

The scotch tape piece is then folded over onto itself and subsequently ripped apart

Many crystalline compounds have cleavage planes; that is, planes along which cracks propagate most readily. When such compounds are stressed beyond their yield strength, they tend to break up into pieces with characteristic shapes that inherit the anisotropy of the chemical bonds forming the crystal out of which they are composed. Indeed, this observation was …

Systems can be complicated but not complex and complex but not complicated

Our studies suggest a combination of its transmission dynamics and how they are affected by management issues, such as the quantity of shade and the density of planting, plus a variety of control from above elements represent a source of control, which sometimes fails .Understanding the general structure of ecological communities has long been a central …

This is among the lowest unemployment rates recorded by any state in recent decades

The size of this group is larger than the number of new residents who moved from any state in the union. Among current U.S. residents who moved to Colorado, the largest shares arrived from California , Texas , Florida , Arizona , Illinois , New York , Virginia , Missouri , Georgia , and North …

The most unexpected election result in this cycle occurred before the general election

In addition to the worst public health crisis in a century and a major economic recession, the year 2020 also witnessed a highly charged presidential election unlike any the nation has ever seen.The global COVID pandemic had less of an effect on election administration in Colorado— relative to other states—because Colorado has employed a vote …

The grape berry has a double sigmoidal growth curve with three distinct phases

The slight difference in mapping rate between the two references can be explained by either the absence of some low-expression transcripts in the ISNT or the residual error rate in isoform sequences. Gene expression analysis using the ISNT as reference showed similar results compared to the Cabernet Sauvignon genome assembly, with a very high correlation …

HPA axis reactivity and regulation are evident very early in life

It could be hypothesized that in the 1st year bearing 100% of the clusters, while not showing a reduction in soluble solids, may have taken a toll on plant reserves. However, neither root mass nor starch content were impacted by the crop level in our work. Palliotti and Cartechini performed cluster thinning on three varieties over …

Our between-person analyses largely represent the flip side of the same methodological coin

Prior work has typically concerned diurnal cortisol rhythms over the course of the day, within-child child care variation across a more limited span , and rather blunt indices of child care exposure . In contrast, we considered children’s resting cortisol levels at a single point in time, within-child variation over the course of many months, …

The necrosis intensifies and becomes more general as boron accumulates in older leaves

Bayesian analysis—The dataset was analyzed with Bayesian inference using the program MrBayes version 3.2.7a. Sequence data were subjected to a general time reversal model including the estimation of invariant sites and assuming a discrete gamma distribution with six rate categories . The relative fit of various models of nucleotide substitution for the ITS region, chloroplast …

We focus on smooth configurations where the energy gap never vanishes

The consequence of such a relation in 3D is discussed. The organization of this chapter is as follows. We introduce the cubic lattice Dirac model and a transformation on the low energy Dirac fermions to bring it into a ‘normal’ form in Sec. 3.2.2, from which one can easily read off the orders that lead …