Productive lines of research could aim to quantify individual differences in the positivity effect

Older adults with greatest engagement of rostral anterior cingulate, a prime regulator of amygdala activity , self-reported less unpleasantness for lowarousal negative stimuli. Together, these findings provide insight into the neural basis of agerelated changes in affective experience by which older adults preferentially enhance positive information, preferentially suppress negative information, or both. Given the recent …

Blue has been shown to be repellent in some studies and attractive in others

White or coextruded white-on-black mulches can slightly lower surface soil temperatures by about 1ºC at 2 cm depth or 0.4ºC at 10 cm relative to bare soil because they reflect most incoming radiation . These mulches are used when lower soil temperatures may be desirable for planting vegetables in particular summer production windows. Clear mulches effectively …

GRBaV infections altered the transcription of several primary metabolic pathways

Another study giving older adults two egg yolks/day for 5 weeks, followed by four egg yolks/day for 5 weeks, reported increases in MPOD, but only among those with low baseline MPOD value. The addition of either spinach or corn , or the combination, for 14 months significantly increased the MPOD among the majority of healthy individuals. …

Census of Agriculture and various National Agricultural Statistics Service surveys

Raspberries account for the majority of the production volume and the total value of this category. This California export category was valued at $157 million, and accounted for approximately 85% of total US fresh and processed raspberry, blackberry, mulberry, and loganberry exports. 84% of these exports are received by Canada, 6% by Japan, and 5% …

This has important practical implications for agricultural design applications

Cases with relatively high ground cover fractions and uniformly arranged plants showed good agreement between the 1D and 3D models regardless of whether the assumption of leaf isotropy was made. As the canopies became more heterogeneous in space, agreement between the models generally declined. Although Potato-Uniform and Potato-Row had identical leaf area indices and leaf …

The ratio of sugar to acid in fruit is an important indicator of sweetness perception

We created a multiplexed probe-based quantitative PCR assay able to identify whether a sample contains T. absoluta, K. lycopersicella, or P. operculella DNA based on single nucleotide polymorphisms between species. In addition, we created RPA-Cas12a assays to detect the presence of T. absoluta DNA, using either a fluorescent reader or a simple UV illuminator paired with a cell …

The role of ethylene and JA showed some variation amongst the mutants

Additionally, the induction of defense genes in the RR core response could be ineffective if their expression levels were too weak compared with those seen in resistant MG fruit. We evaluated the levels of gene expression in inoculated RR fruit via a differential expression comparison to inoculated MG fruit. Of all the RR core defense genes identified …

The frequency and timing of fungicide applications are crucial for B. cinerea control

Ethylene increases the susceptibility of tomato to B. cinerea by inducing ripening; however, its functions during strawberry infections are yet to be fully characterized. ABA, IAA and ethylene accumulation are altered by polyamine levels, which are positively correlated with fruit susceptibility to B. cinerea during strawberry ripening . Other hormones, such as brassinosteroids and jasmonic acid are …

This corresponded to two days for tomatoes and four days for treated apples and oranges

Source fruits were then placed on top of the target fruits so that the inoculated stem end region would be in contact with the equatorial region of the target. Using the whole fruits was the most effective way to contact-inoculate oranges. Source fruits with visible mycelium and with visibly macerated tissue radially spread from the initial …