If so, one may ask why almost all of the populations in the world turned agricultural within such a short time period , in fact, almost simultaneously? And if the botanical and agro-technical understanding have already existed, why was it suddenly manifested in the form of agriculture throughout the world? It seems that the answer again is—higher fitness for man. Perhaps, the trigger that apparently led to the implementation of the existing botanical knowledge and to a transition to an agricultural way of life in remote areas was the information arrived to these distant places regarding the benefits and advantage offered by this lifestyle. It is very likely to assume that even in remote areas, people heard about the novel farmers who were hard working but who owned property, gained prestige and fathered a multitude of children. So it seems, that several remote populations have tried this way of life as well, blueberry grow pot and the moment they did so, there was no turning back.
From the time the main advantage of agricultural life was realized—that is, more offspring—the idea permeated rapidly and thus, populations throughout the world embraced the idea and became agricultural by using local plants and agro techniques. Those populations that did not—awaited their destiny, until the farmers arrived and took them over. This scenario also directly suggests that there is no need to explain the emergence of agriculture with several origins in several centers but rather with one origin only or two. Even for the New World the assumption presented here is valid. From an evolutionary viewpoint, the moment the first pristine population of high-fitness farmers emerged, all other populations around had no choice but to become part of them or to act like them, when in any case, the ultimate result was to become high-fitness farmers as well. As the global population increases, demand for food, most especially protein, will increase.
Production from agriculture, including forestry and fisheries, is crucial for food security in the face of current population increase.In order to secure global food security, it is imperative that more food needs to be produced so as to strike balance between increasing human population and food availability. In this regard, sustenance of increased productivity must emphasize on the development of strategies aimed at improving yield through rational utilization of resources and proper environmental management,hydroponic bucket such as strategies abound in integrated aquaculture. Integration aquaculture with crop production and animal husbandry is one of the indubitable ways to increase the level of food production and simultaneously maintain equitable use of available land and human resources to meet human food demands in an environmentally sustainable manner. This is because integrated aquaculture productivity has been confirmed to relatively reduce cost of production and thus the sustenance of increased food production must increase farmers’ income, nutrition and also entrench the development of strategies aimed at overall welfare.In order to encourage food security of human population, there is the need for farmers to engage in a result oriented farming system that can guarantee and sustain adequate food security in environmentally friendly manner. This review emphasizes the food security improvement contribution of integrated aquaculture in an environmentally friendly manner. Integrated aquaculture is a method of farming which is generally believed to help the rural poor to utilize resources at their disposal towards maximizing production and making more profit from their investment.
IA reduces waste generated from different sub-systems on the farm and also increases water use efficiency through the utilization of waste in one sub-system as resource or input in another sub-system within a system of production,recycling and re-use of water in one sub-system for irrigation in another sub-system. This will, however,reduce the negative impact of farming on the environment due to zero tolerance to waste discharge to the environment while at the same time improve economy of production for profit maximization of the farmers. The importance of water in agriculture production cannot be over-emphasized. In production from agriculture,including fish production, water is gotten majorly from precipitation, underground water and reservoirs including rivers and lakes. However, water supply from these sources is not entirely reliable. The growing world population requires increased food production, while available water resources may not be sufficient for agriculture. This alarming situation can only be resolved if water is managed more efficiently, so that yield of agriculture produce per unit of water consumption increases. To increase agriculture per water usage, a system that will ensure recycle and re-use of water will need to be entrenched. Such system is obtainable in IA.Water productivity is defined as the ratio of the net benefits from crop,forestry, fishery, livestock, and mixed agricultural systems to the amount of water required to produce those benefits.