Subsequent studies have largely confirmed these initial estimates

It is worth pointing out that that while using nutrients much more intensively, corn growth in TX does not generate a substantially larger eutrophication impact than cotton. This is because nutrient runoff and leaching rates of corn in TX are generally smaller than that of cotton . For all states, as with the average situation …

Analyses were repeated with creatinine-adjusted values to confirm our bivariate results

We then used this model as the foundation for simulation experiments which compare the effects of alternative scenarios regarding agricultural trade and support policies, both before and after accession to the European Union. The purpose of these experiments was to analyze the interactions between the accession “contract,” transition policies, sectoral perfonnance, and the pace of …

Each grid box shows the correlation for the quarters with the highest mean rainfall

Most of the production increases supporting these surpluses may occur in Eastern and Southern Asia and Northern America, where our modeling suggests 47% and 28% of new production will occur as a consequence of 25 to 35% increases in yields. Our projected yields in Eastern Asia and Northern America reach 7,500 kg ha−1 . Yields …

The intercept is an important measure of water vapor at both the field and scene levels

The slope acts as a measure of moisture advection as a factor of wind at the field-level.At the scale of an individual field, the intercept quantifies the build-up of moisture over a field, while at the scale of the entire study site, the spatial pattern of intercepts highlight advection of moisture across the scene. The …

The GV threshold represents a trade-off between accuracy and inclusivity

A higher GV threshold will decrease the risk of including fallow fields in the classification, but it will also increase the risk of excluding fields of crops that should be included. Table S1 details accuracy by class with a 25% threshold for comparison. Using a 50% GV threshold increases both user and producer’s accuracies for …

The first does not adjust for any observable determinants of farmland values

There are three further issues about equation that bear noting. First, it is likely that the error terms are correlated among nearby geographical areas. For example, unobserved soil productivity is likely to be spatially correlated. In this case, the standard OLS formulas for inference are incorrect since the error variance is not spherical. In absence of …

IPF is also strongly associated with cigarette smoking in epidemiologic studies

The fate of particles is not well established, and there is little information on the distribution and retention of particles under conditions of ambient exposure. One purpose of this study was to design and implement an approach that would allow the assessment of particle retention as well as histologic analysis of response in different lung …

Subsurface flow is also an important mechanism of phosphorus losses from the farm

In Corn Cob Canyon Creek, the median SRP concentration was 0.11 mg/L at Lewis Road, where the stream emerges from an underground culvert, and 2.2 mg/L at Hudson Landing, downstream of row crops. At the downstream locations in both Carneros and Corn Cob Canyon Creeks, SRP concentrations exceeded the 0.12 mg/L target level in 100% …

These problems are compounded by a lack of sharing of information between agencies

We note that a program to provide information on the prevalence of infractions represents a departure from the original purpose of the TIPP program. Specifically, such a program would entail inspection of a random sample of operations, rather than focusing on those with complaints or at high risk for infractions. Whereas the original TIPP model …

The pre-reform economy heavily taxed the farm sector

Improvements in labor productivity have been strongly correlated with the outflow of labor from agriculture. In China, government restrictions on rural mobility constrained the outflow of labor from agriculture until the mid-1980s . The development of township and village enterprises created non-agricultural employment in the rural areas which was crucial for labor productivity to increase in …