Pasture area is grazed rotationally and managed for optimal plant biomass communities

The program uses an “integrated systems approach” to delivering hands-on education in nutrition, ecology, sustainability, and land stewardship . In practice, this consists of educating students in a garden classroom elective for elementary and middle school, hosting a high school farm elective course where students visit local farms, and preparing and preserving food from the …

Iron deficiency leads to an enhancement of different ROS detoxification strategies

Transcriptomic and proteomic studies in Fe deficient plants have also reported increases in root transcript and protein abundances, respectively, of enzymes related to the glycolytic and TCA cycle pathways, among others. Iron deficiency also induces an accumulation of organic acids, mainly malate and citrate, in roots. The induction of C metabolism in roots of Fe-deficient plants …

Spiked blanks and CRM PAH-contaminated loamy sand soil were included to determine extraction efficiency

Approximately 20 g of Ottawa sand was spread across the soil and the lid was placed on the Petri dish and sealed with parafilm to maintain optimal growth conditions. A sandy loam control soil containing no PAH contamination was prepared in the same manner every 20 samples. The samples were placed in a growth chamber …

The Mycobacterium genus is often associated with HMW PAH biodegradation

In the absence of major decomposition pathways, PAHs are removed from the atmosphere by dry and wet deposition, which is considered the major source of PAHs in soil . Although PAHs are considered amongst the most widespread organic pollutants in numerous environmental matrices such as soils, sediments, water, and wastewater, the ultimate sink of atmospheric …

Species from xeric environments also tend to be over-represented in drought tolerance studies

The combination of these approaches is useful for the identification of genes and traits under selection in natural settings, but so far few studies have taken this approach. Eckert et al. tested the association of SNPs with five phenotypic traits and 11 environmental variables across 10 P. lambertiana populations around Lake Tahoe. This study identified six …

Evaluation of existing cultivars was conducted using available nursery trees

The region of Araraquara has the largest insect Las+ population in summer, while Bebedouro has the smallest, during the whole year. The Asian citrus psyllid is the only known vector of the bacterium, ‘Candidatus’ Liberibacter asiaticus , that causes huanglongbing or citrus greening disease. This insect acquires CLas from an infected citrus tree while feeding …

Bacteria titers were reduced in treated plants on average by 50% at three weeks post treatment

The original smooth-cylinder trap model did not catch many psyllids, <10%, even in high density population exposure; Psyllid trap efficacy also requires correct field positioning ; One design accidentally had a rougher texture on the outside, and it caught more psyllids than similar traps that were smooth; Newer traps were then developed with intentional projections …

Limonene is captured by condensation of the recovered steam upon depressurization

In a second replicated long-term field trial with ‘Valencia’ scion severely affected by HLB, highest yields over four harvests were with ‘US-942’ and ‘US-802’ root stocks. In both trials, some other root stocks that are commonly used in commercial production performed poorly, probably indicating less tolerance of those root stocks to HLB. Similarities and differences between the two …

The term and concept of ‘food desert’ managed to make the well-established urban grocery gap visceral

Local governments readily looked to these studies to justify new programs and initiatives to support efforts to address food access issues locally. And yet, some researchers were more concerned with the conceptual basis of the term ‘food desert,’ which failed to account for the ways that poor communities have managed to cope in spite of …

The essence of the concept is hidden in plain sight—below ground

Accordingly, many of the Master’s gardens employed thematics associated with the labyrinth and the grotto; of hiding and revealing, of voyeurism, exotica, minutiae, and narrative . In the descriptions that follow, I roughly corral the nine Masters’ Gardens into three categories; labyrinths, rooms, and representative gardens. Using this draft rubric, I explore three Masters Gardens in detail, three …