GRBaV infections altered the transcription of several primary metabolic pathways

Another study giving older adults two egg yolks/day for 5 weeks, followed by four egg yolks/day for 5 weeks, reported increases in MPOD, but only among those with low baseline MPOD value. The addition of either spinach or corn , or the combination, for 14 months significantly increased the MPOD among the majority of healthy individuals. Our study has some limitations. Choice of a control is always a challenge in whole food studies, since masking is an issue. A commercially available LZ supplement was used, rather than an inert capsule, since our research design was intended to compare options available to consumers and explore the role of goji berries over and above the intake of purified L and Z. The actual amount of L and Z in the supplement was not confirmed. A previous report noted that the carotenoid content of some powder-based supplements tested in 2017 did not meet label claims, while oil-based supplements did. Since L and Z are preferentially deposited at different eccentricities in the retina, 30 plant pot the different amounts of Z in the goji berries and supplement may not be ideal. Volunteers were not screened for low MPOD as an inclusion criterion.

Although the relatively modest number of participants in each group may raise some concerns, these numbers are similar to those reported by Obana et al. and are consistent with an initial probe study. Finally, although MPOD was the primary outcome measure, other ocular measurements such as contrast sensitivity and best corrected visual acuity were not assessed. Future studies on goji berry intake and eye health ideally should combine functional and anatomic measurements.Viruses are obligate intracellular pathogens that require living host cells to replicate and spread in the infected plant. During compatible interactions, viruses overcome the plant immune system and hijack host cellular processes to establish active infections . Viruses disrupt the plant cell cycle, inhibit cell death pathways, restrict macromolecular trafficking, alter cell signaling, protein turnover, and transcriptional regulation, and suppress defense mechanisms. The interference with these processes in the host leads to a wide range of plant developmental and physiological defects . Cultivated grapevines are highly susceptible to a variety of viruses and viroids, which cause significant crop losses and shorten the productive life of vineyards. More than 65 different viral species classified in at least 15 families have been reported to infect grapevines, which represents the highest number of viruses so far detected in a single cultivated plant species .

Although these viruses are generally transmitted by plant-feeding insects or soilborne nematodes, they can also be spread through infected propagation material . Grapevine red blotch is a viral disease discovered in northern California in 2008 that has become a major economic problem for the wine industry in the USA . This disease is caused by the Grapevine red blotch-associated virus , a circular ssDNA virus with resemblance to geminiviruses, which infects wine grape cultivars with significant detrimental effects on productivity . The incidence and severity of the red blotch symptoms vary depending on the grape cultivar, environmental conditions, and cultural practices . In red-skinned varieties, GRBaV infections result in the appearance of red patches on the leaf blades, veins, and petioles; in white-skinned varieties, they manifest as irregular chlorotic regions on the leaf blades. GRBaV also affects berry physiology, causing uneven ripening, higher titratable acidity, and lower sugar and anthocyanin content, among others . Consequently, must and wine produced from infected berries present altered flavor and aroma. To date, there is limited information on how GRBaV infections affect grape metabolism. Comprehensive analyses to study specific cellular processes that GRBaV exploits to promote infections in berries are still needed, in particular those that relate to changes in berry chemical composition during fruit development. Grape berry development exhibits a double sigmoid growth pattern with three distinct phases: early fruit development, lag phase, and berry ripening.

Most metabolic pathways that promote desired quality traits in grape berries are induced during ripening. The onset of ripening is accompanied by significant changes in berry physiology and metabolism, including softening, sugar accumulation, decrease in organic acids, and synthesis of anthocyanins and other secondary metabolites that define the sensory properties of the fruit . Berry ripening is controlled by multiple regulatory pathways, and occurs in an organized and developmentally timed manner. Interactions between transcriptional regulators and plant hormones regulate the initiation and progression of ripening processes . Like other non-climacteric fruit, grape berries do not display a strong induction of ethylene production and respiration rate at véraison, and the activation of ripening events does not depend primarily on ethylene signaling. Even though the hormonal control of grape berry development is not completely understood, it is established that abscisic acid , brassinosteroids, and ethylene are positive regulators of ripening processes, while auxin delays the initiation of ripening . In the context of virus–grape berry interactions, dissecting the mechanisms that regulate ripening and plant defenses may provide new opportunities to develop vineyard management strategies to control viral diseases and ameliorate the negative effects on berry quality. In this study, we integrated genome-wide transcriptional profiling, targeted chemical and biochemical analyses, and demonstrated that grapevine red blotch disrupts ripening and metabolism of red-skinned berries. We sampled berries at different ripening stages from vines infected with GRBaV and healthy vines in two vineyards. We identified grape metabolic pathways that were altered in ripening berries because of the viral infection. We determined that GRBaV-induced pathways that are normally associated with early fruit development in berries at late stages of ripening, and suppressed secondary metabolic pathways that occur during normal berry ripening and/ or in response to stress. Using targeted metabolite profiling and enzyme activity analyses, we confirmed the impact of GRBaV on phenylpropanoid metabolism. We identified specific ripening-related processes that were disturbed in GRBaV-infected berries. Remarkably, these processes included alterations in ripening regulatory networks mediated by transcriptional factors, post-transcriptional control, and plant hormones, which lead to berry developmental defects caused by red blotch.To determine the impact of grapevine red blotch on berry physiology, we studied naturally occurring GRBaV infections in distinct wine grape-growing regions in northern California . We sampled red-skinned grape berries from two different vineyards, one in Oakville and one in Healdsburg . We used multiple vineyard sites to focus on observations consistently made across environments and, thus, to exclude factors associated with specific environmental or cultural conditions. Prior to sampling, vines were screened for the presence of GRBaV and other common grapevine viruses. The appearance of red blotch symptoms on leaves of GRBaV-positive vines and not on those of healthy controls confirmed the initial viral testing. We sampled grape berries from vines that tested positive for GRBaV and negative for other common grapevine viruses. At the same time, we also collected berries from vines that tested negative for all viruses and included them in the study as healthy controls. In order to determine the impact of the disease on berry development and metabolism, we collected GRBaV-positive and control berries at comparable developmental stages: pre-véraison , véraison , post-véraison , and harvest . This sampling strategy also aimed to limit confounding effects due to differences in the progression of ripening between berry clusters of GRBaV-positive and healthy vines. In some cases, we observed that GRBaV-positive vines presented grape clusters with evident uneven ripening . Comparisons between berries from GRBaV-positive vines and healthy controls indicated that, at equivalent stages of development, grow raspberries in a pot berries affected by red blotch had reduced soluble solids and total anthocyanins in agreement with previous reports on red-skinned wine grapes .

Sampled berries were used for genome-wide transcriptional profiling of viral and grape genes. RNAseq was performed using 3–4 biological replicates of each ripening stage, infection status, and vineyard. We first confirmed the presence of the virus in the berries of GRBaV-positive vines by qPCR amplification of viral DNA . Viral activity in the berries was also assessed by quantifying plant-derived mRNA transcripts of GRBaV genes in the RNAseq data. Plant expression of five out of the six predicted genes in the GRBaV genome was detected in all berry samples obtained from GRBaV-positive vines but not in berries collected from the control vines . The most expressed GRBaV genes in the berries corresponded to V1, which encodes a coat protein, and V3 with unknown function. Expression levels of the GRBaV genes appeared to change as berries ripened. However, we could not determine to what extent the progression of ripening or other environmental factors influenced the plant’s transcription of viral genes because their pattern of variation between ripening stages differed in the two vineyards . Expression of 25 994 grape genes was detected by RNAseq across all berry samples. Principal component analysis was carried out with the normalized read counts of all detected genes. The two major PCs, which together accounted for 42.97% of the total variability, clearly separated the samples based on ripening stage, regardless of the vineyard of origin or their infection status . These results indicated that the intervineyard variation was smaller than the ripening effect, and the overall progression of ripening was similar between berries from GRBaV-positive and control vines. Therefore, we hypothesized that GRBaV infections in berries have altered the expression of particular grape genes and/or molecular pathways, which could subsequently have led to developmental and metabolic defects.While the PCA described above indicated that overall transcriptome dynamics associated with berry ripening were not perturbed by the infection, the lower levels of soluble solids and anthocyanins in GRBaV-positive berries,particularly later in development, suggested that red blotch may affect specific primary and secondary metabolic processes. We therefore focused the RNAseq analyses to identify grape molecular pathways that were differentially regulated as a result of GRBaV infections. We identified grape genes with significant differential expression due to red blotch by comparing GRBaV-positive and GRBaV-negative berries at each ripening stage and independently for each vineyard. We then looked at the intersection of differentially expressed genes between the two vineyards to identify common responses to red blotch. A total of 932 grape DE genes were found to be consistently down- or up-regulated in infected berries in both vineyards at a given ripening stage, and were classified as GRBaV-responsive genes . On average these GRBaV-responsive genes showed 0.49 ± 0.22-fold changes compared with the healthycontrols. Comparing berries at similar ripening stages may have contributed to exclude more dramatic changes in gene expression associated with more pronounced ripening delay due to GRBaV. Key metabolic processes that were suppressed or induced as a consequence of red blotch in ripening berries were identified by enrichment analyses of the functional categories defined by Grimplet et al. in the set of GRBaV-responsive genes . Amino acid bio-synthetic pathways were repressed in GRBaV-positive berries, while amino acid catabolic pathways were induced. Changes in carbohydrate metabolism were also observed; in particular, genes involved in glycolysis/gluconeogenesis and starch metabolism had reduced expression in GRBaV-infected berries.Genes involved in nucleic acid metabolism, including RNA processing and surveillance, showed higher expression in GRBaV-infected berries. These pathways coincided at véraison with the induction of genes involved in stress responses to virus . RNA metabolic pathways are commonly altered in plants during viral infections and have been related to resistance or susceptibility depending on the particular plant–virus interaction . Red blotch also impacted the transcription of several abiotic stress response pathways. In particular, berries after véraison showed lower expression of genes encoding hypoxia responsive proteins and heat stress transcription factors, among others . A prominent feature of the GRBaV-positive berries was the transcriptional suppression of secondary metabolic pathways, in particular the biosynthesis of phenylpropanoids, stilbenoids, and lignin . Because the lower anthocyanin content observed in the GRBaV-positive berries may have resulted from reduced metabolic flux in the core phenylpropanoid pathway and alterations in flavonoid and anthocyanin biosynthesis, we pursued a deeper evaluation of these pathways using an integrated approach of transcriptional and metabolite profiling coupled to enzymatic analyses.Most enzymes involved in phenylpropanoid metabolism are encoded by large gene families. There is also high redundancy among these genes, which ensures the functional integrity and plasticity of the phenylpropanoid-related pathways . Therefore, to test the hypothesis that the red blotch-induced transcriptional changes had an actual impact on phenylpropanoid metabolism, we measured the activity of key enzymes and the abundance of compounds involved in these pathways .