Plant activators are chemicals that have no direct antimicrobial activity but induce disease resistance

Plants with compromised SA synthesis or signaling have greatly diminished defenses against pathogens, as is the case with SA-defificient transgenic plants expressing a bacterial salicylate hydroxylase or ICS mutants like sid2 , and mutants in downstream targets of SA such as npr1 . SAR induction by biotic agents coincides with increases in SA levels and a …

Focusing on agricultural biotechnology scientists brings with it a number of advantages

For these commodities, the Domestic and Full changes from reference are therefore most similar. Indeed for Corn in particular, the inclusion of even spatially heterogenous, direction varying impacts across the entire world versus only in the U.S. makes very little difference in the physical output variables of GCAM considered: area, production, and endogenous yield. It is primarily …

Gillin provides interesting insight into the importance of water for the people of Moche

In Gillin’s ethnographic account of the town of Moche, he observed that many dishes were cooked or boiled over an open flame, either in ceramic or metal containers placed on an adobe brick stove or on rock supports placed on the ground. Gillin lists a variety of one pot meals, including soups, stews, or gruels, which often …

The proportion of retail commodities sold at market prices has kept rising

The Great Recession reduced weekly hours by 1.3 hours in the hotel sector but not in the other sectors. Thus, for most employed workers in these three sectors, weekly hours remained constant during recessions. This result contrasts with that in the agricultural sector where weekly hours rose substantially during recessions.China’s economic liberalization and structural change …

There is also a literature that challenges the dominant role of agricultural growth for poverty reduction

From the point of view of our exercise, this greater variance produces a ‘bias’ in the resulting estimates of the connection between agricultural income and welfare, since we are interested not in the short-run effect of things like weather shocks on expenditures but on the longer-run effects of things like improvements in agricultural productivity. We are …