Our estimation strategy follows Angrist and Pischke , who advocate the use of two alternative approaches for dealing with omitted variable bias in panel data. The first employs a lagged dependent variable to account for the possibility that the subsidy was targeted based on pre-treatment trends in party support. The second uses a difference-in-difference model that …
Tag Archives: agriculture
The chief exceptions are medium and large commercial households in El Salvador
Wages fall by only 0.5% in El Salvador but nearly 3% in Guatemala, 8.5% in Nicaragua and 26% in Honduras. Because of these wage decreases and an imperfect transmission of output price changes across households, subsistence grain production increases by 1.8% and 2.1% in Guatemala and Nicaragua, respectively, while remaining almost unchanged in El Salvador …
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Benefits from elevated CO2 concentrations depend upon plant type and irrigation level
Consistent with scientific theory, empirical research suggests that warmer climates, such as those projected for the Southwest, will lead to more extreme precipitation intensity and frequency , particularly during the winter season . Since annual precipitation is projected to decline , more extreme events do not translate into higher total rainfall for a given year. Instead, …
The overwhelming implication of hybrid and genetically-modified seed is monoculture
Smallholders cannot compete. Under these conditions, they struggle to recoup the expenses of producing crops that require intensive agriculture. It is, therefore, vital that the rural poor continue to participate in self-sufficient agriculture, at least in part, given the precariousness of their ability to secure buyers at prices that will benefit them, even domestically. Risks …
Physico-chemical properties of biochar account for some of its agricultural benefits
Often, PGPR must be repeatedly added to a soil to maintain high population densities. One of the greatest research gaps limiting this field is inconsistent results when cultures are taken from lab to field. To better manage the ecosystem function of PGPR it is critical to study the survival and activity of both inoculated and …
Cy5 fluorophore conjugation was carried as described above prior to F3 conjugation
The F3 peptide is a 31-amino acid fragment of the high mobility group protein HMG2N. F3 preferentially binds to nucleolin, a shuttle protein that is highly expressed on the plasma membranes of tumor cells.Nucleolin- targeted delivery of drug-loaded nanoparticles using F3 peptide or nucleolin-specific aptamers has been previously demonstrated.For example, F3-functionalized PEG-PLA nanoparticles led to …
Precision farming methods are therefore needed to deliver pesticides in a more controlled manner
Bioavailability of CVTMGMV and free CV in C. elegans was investigated in liquid culture. C. elegans nematode motility was classified as either totally immobilized, impaired motility, or completely mobilized nematodes. To illustrate the data that was collected, a series of snap shots of C. elegans incubated with no treatment, 10 μM CV, and 10 μM CVTMGMV was taken …
Governments have therefore started to prohibit many pesticides or strictly regulate their use
The reduced bio-degradation in the SB microcosms may have resulted from the ~40% higher carbon content in the SB microcosms, which would be expected to increase the soil-water distribution coefficient by a comparable amount. Reduced TCS concentration in soil pore water would be expected to slow bio-transformation, potentially in a nonlinear fashion. Another possible contributor to …
Several authors have also examined the impact of macroeconomic shocks on investment in schooling
In this chapter I have presented an attempt to estimate the effect of rural out-migration on rural wages. I find a strong positive and robust effect of rural out-migration on rural wages in Brazil during the period 1991-2000. Using a cohort analysis my results suggest that rural out-migration flows between 1991 and 2000 have increased …
Vegetable production is also an important part of Fresno County agriculture
From 2000 and 2015, the organic production of spring mix lettuce increased 153% in Monterey County. Short-term lettuce data in the County reflect this trend. Since the passage of the 2012 Ag Waiver , organic head lettuce production has increased 155%, from 112 acres to 174 acres, organic romaine lettuce has increased by roughly the …
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