Individuals working on a resources or database should be named on the website

Distributed and independent genome projects produce assemblies and annotations that can be beneficial to research on related species, if researchers can discover them. However, even a multi-species database that manages gene families may not contain all gene data of interest to the communities it serves. Services that assign new data, supplied by researchers or by …

The process of carbon sequestration can be accelerated by coconut plantation and inter crop management

Based on a field study, Kumar et al.reported that the presence or absence of over-canopy had little effect on the rhizome yield of galangal , a medicinal plant, implying its shade tolerance.Being a shade-tolerant crop, galangal yield remained steady across a wide range of light availability conditions, from full light to a photosynthetic photon flux density as low …

Most stakeholders interviewed in this study share a demand for applying AI to agriculture

Agricultural farms are extremely pressed to get a rewarding return on their investments which leads to, at times of the year with high workload, farmers not getting much sleep at all.This is confirmed by a farmer who says that since he works so much, some hours are nearly unpaid.Implementing AI in agriculture could potentially mitigate …

Race and ethnicity issues are rarely mentioned in sustainability discourse

Answering these types of questions will help us clarify the root causes of sustainability problems in agriculture.The general vision of scientists and activists for sustainable agriculture is one which reduces environmental degradation, preserves or restores the family farm, and removes contaminants from human consumption. For example, the goals of the California- based Committee for Sustainable …

Several studies were conducted on watermelon farming at home and abroad

The results from our IV estimations indicate that both shock types significantly and positively impact pesticide use.Notably, farmers who experience shocks are more likely to use up to 30% more pesticides than non-shock households.Furthermore, pests and diseases also have a significant and positive impact on fertilizer use with the same magnitude.In other words, these types of …

Agricultural ES and EDS related to arthropods mainly concerned regulating services

Arthropod functions and processes in SHF agrosystems were mostly related to pests, either their damage or their control.For instance, articles reported arthropod-related damages concerning herbivory on plants and consumption of stored grains , while potential of pest control by natural enemies was studied through parasitism and predation processes.Besides, pollination and hive-related products represented 15.35% and 6.14% of …

The Agro-experts can access the system by initially entering the login credentials

The new queries or complaints can be filtered by selecting the ‘unresolved’ status. Supervisor can read the new query or complaint and based on the content, assigns it to one of the agro-experts with relevant expertise. Upon assignment, the status of the query or complaint is automatically changed to ‘in process’ by the system and …

The Rapid Rural Appraisal approach was used to gather information from 81 active households

The large variation in the selling price of guinea fowl observed depended on the region and period of the year. In southern Benin, guinea fowl was more expensive due to the proximity to the urban centers and the low availability of the birds in this region. As for Northern Benin, the reluctance of farmers to …