Average numbers of servings were computed for comparative purposes as was done with CDPS

Only 39 cases needed to be top coded to 20 servings. The individual fruit and vegetable items for all 39 cases were examined carefully to make sure that they consisted of believable number of servings, albeit large numbers reported, and all 39 were accepted to remain part of the data file for analysis.The General RDD …

The main model limitations are related to the assumption of 1D flow in a homogenous soil profile

Based on the preferred effective Ks, the highest θc deviation between the RZRT model and HYDRUS is one day. While this is a reasonable error for the hard pan characteristics tested here, it is based on one limited example and cannot be regarded as representative. Using effective soil hydraulic parameters to represent highly-contrast layered soil as …

The bulk soil overlaps are summarised for angiosperms and gymnosperms

Water samples were analyzed for their stable isotopic compositions using Los Gatos DLT- 100 laser isotope analysers for Dorset and Wolf Creek, a Los Gatos Liquid Water Isotope Analyzer for Bruntland Burn and Dry Creek, and a Picarro L2130-I for Krycklan. The precision of the liquid water stable isotope analysis is reported to be better than ±0.1 …

We examine the economic impact of SWD infestations in the California raspberry industry

Data were summarized separately for each of the two years. For each year, a Chi square goodness of fit test was used to examine whether or not there were equal levels of a damage type among three treatment categories within a variety. If there was a significant difference in damage among the three treatments in a …

Tomographic data provided estimates of hydraulic conductivity at a very high spatial resolution

We developed a Bayesian framework that permitted quantitative integration of borehole flow meter data and cross hole geophysical information for estimating the hydraulic conductivity distribution at each pixel along the tomographic cross sections. Figure 2 illustrates the estimates of hydraulic conductivity along two vertical cross sections at the Oyster site, obtained using the Bayesian estimation framework and …

A dynamic theory of PITP will be the subject of another effort

Recently, however, reports regarding the financial difficulties experienced by U.S. agricultural cooperatives have been much more common than news of their successes. In particular, the 2002 bankruptcy of Farmland Industries — a federation of 1,700 independent Midwestern cooperatives and the nation’s largest agricultural cooperative — received considerable media attention. In California, news about cooperatives has …

Farmer-owned reserve stocks and government-owned stocks are each modeled separately

Similar regressions have been reported by Belongia and by Grennes and Lapp, and each study supported neutrality of money growth after intervals of one year or less. Using annual data, Grennes and Lapp found that, once real demand and supply forces were accounted for, there appeared to be no effect of inflation on real agricultural …

AChE is a stable marker of exposure to organophosphate and carbamate insecticides

Similarly, SO2 or H2S gas modified agricultural wastes bio-chars produced -C=S and -S-S groups, which formed strong complexes with Cd2+ and Hg2+ . Depending on experimental conditions, methods to introduce S-containing functional groups can either increase or decrease specific surface area and pore volume of carbonaceous adsorbents ; however, any reduction in sorption capacity associated with the loss of …

Women’s employment outcomes tend to improve if remittances accompany male migration

A natural experiment from a migration lottery in New Zealand finds evidence that migrant earnings stimulate remittance flows and generate better mental health outcomes . If out migration causes the local labor supply to decrease, this can put upward pressure on wages, which can be beneficial to local workers but potentially harmful to farmers who rely on …

There is also evidence of a strong spillover impact during a crisis period on commodities

While the negative impacts of drought are often disproportionately spread to low-income individuals, we have seen that windfall gains to agriculture create short-run spillovers to other industries . This spillover is likely to impact closely related industries in terms of input-output and exchange the most . In the case of agriculture, we understand this to …