We found that the auxin response pathway certainly does change during development

Environmental cues, especially temperature and light, have huge impacts on organ abscission. It has been reported in various plant species that high temperature accelerates reproductive organ abscission. In cotton, day temperatures above 40 °C can induce flower abscission. In soybean, flower abscission was found to increase with the elevated temperature treatment in three different soybean varieties, while …

All Verticillium-resistance evaluations were conducted following root-dip inoculations

Benefit transfer approaches, SFA, and DEA yield results that can evaluate how well an NTS site is performing and how to improve their functioning, but have associated advantages and disadvantages . Benefit transfer approaches can provide an estimate for ecosystem services value, which can be used in cost-benefit analyses to determine net changes to well-being. …

Export crops must also be carefully graded and presented according to exact specifications

Assuming all of the roughly 16 000 smallholder farmers currently growing tobacco were to produce an average of 400kg of paprika, for example, this would result in a total yield of just 6 400 tons, equal to less than half of Zimbabwe’s record crop. Although it is not unreasonable to expect this could lead to …

Large-scale commercial farmers occupy almost 63% of this high potential farmland

Zimbabwe exports most of her tobacco crop, however, so if global demand for tobacco were to fall in future , the impact on employment would depend on the extent to which commercial farmers were able to switch to other export crops such as roses, paprika, coffee and vegetables which are also highly labor intensive. Many …

Several patterns emerge when we consider all of the expression data analyzed

The homolog of Arabidopsis TCP4, AqTCP4, was expressed at fairly consistent levels across all stages in the spurred taxa, but showed a substantial increase in expression in A. ecalcarata at DS3 and DS4, while AqTCP5 showed a gradual decrease in expression across all taxa, but a slightly higher level of expression in A. ecalcarata.Aquilegia has …

Preservation method can have significant effects on downstream options

As more sampling is completed, e.g. baseline surveys and during pilot mining programs, there will be an opportunity to build a database for genetic information that can be linked to specific species. Accomplishing this aim may require a combined approach.Benthic organisms can be classified by size: megafauna , macrofauna , meiofauna , and microbial communities. …

It is tricky to evaluate the effects of the shift to maize on Native American health

Assessing the central nutritional role of indigenous agriculture alongside that of hunting and gathering might well suggest that malnutrition, rather than simply the spread of diseases through concentrated settlement, made communities less likely to recover from infectious epidemics. According to Snow, had “European expansion been less rapid, and had lethal epidemics not swept the landscape …

These symptoms are readily observed microscopically on transverse sections of midveins

Soil pathogen control with 1,3-D followed by metam sodium and 1,3-D with intermittent water seals was inconsistent between the two experiments, which suggests that specific micro- and macro-level differences in environmental and field conditions may contribute to greater treatment variability and risk to growers.When 1,3-D was sealed with HDPE and VIF, broad leaf weed density was …

Four replicates consisting of five fruit per treatment were obtained at each sampling point

Jasmonic acid and ET are known to be involved in defense responses against necrotrophs, such as mediating the host’s responses against them, but ET is also required for fruit ripening and senescence processes, which are conducive to disease susceptibility. Jasmonic acid can also mediate the disease resistance of fruit by increasing the fruit antioxidant capacity, …

Providing guidance for healthy lifestyle choices may limit risk factors perpetuated by childhood obesity

Recent years have seen rapid growth in the number of published studies, increased numbers of scientific conferences and development of legal framework and legislation. These trends will inevitably improve the image of this industry and the efficacy of products. Two significant problems still exist within the industry broadly: preparations of products with highly complex multi-component and incompletely identified composition make …