The absorbance was measured at 450 nm with a Spectramax 34C microplate reader

The average mass of CMG2-Fc per kg leaf fresh weight was 717 and 874 mg/kg leaf FW for the Kifunensine and Kifunensine samples, respectively . The control group expression level was consistent with previous results. These data suggest that the addition of kifunensine in the agro-infiltration process was not detrimental to transient protein production, and in this case, …

Arabidopsis thaliana cells were used for an initial kinetic evaluation and metabolic profiling

Metabolites were identified following the Metabolomics Standards Initiative conventions, using the highest confidence level , which is identified as at least two orthogonal measures versus authentic chemical standards . Three orthogonal measures were used to compare samples with authentic chemical reference standards: retention time , fragmentation spectra , and accurate mass . Peak height and …

Intuitively shoot nutrients should be somewhat correlated to soil nutrient availability

In the face of the potentially negative consequences of climate change on agriculture, all avenues of mitigation must be examined, and even small improvements may prove worthwhile.Bio-fuel crops have been developed as an alternative, carbonneutral energy source, among which the perennial C4 grass, Panicum virgatum L. , native to North America, can adapt to a …

The concentration of total organic acids was measured as alkalinity of the ash

Differences in total root length, surface and volume density, average root diameter, and root tips and fork densities were analyzed using a split-plot design with genotypes as main plots and depth as subplot. This is a conservative statistical analysis because it reduces the df for genotype from 3 to 1. Therefore, we also compared the two …

Grass plants have very different cell walls compared to other species

Interestingly, plants can be divided into four categories based on the quantity of B required: 1) Lactifers, contain the highest amount of B ; 2) Cole crops have the second highest B concentrations; 3) Legumes and the lily family of monocots are in the third group and 4) Graminaceous plants contain the least amount of B . When …

No differences in bacterial numbers between soils with and without plants were observed

The BEST program also sponsored a phytoremediation workshop for BEST investigators and students that was attended by more than 60 participants. Additional workshops are planned for the coming year. In this report, the research is organized by subject area, and two-page briefs are presented for each of 28 BEST projects. The projects presented provide a …

The latter notion is supported by our SEC data for the RG-II released by EPG treatment of the AIR

Arabidopsis is known to synthesize four GDP-linked sugars: GDP-L-fucose, GDP-L-galactose, GDP-D-glucose and GDP-D-mannose. GDP-mannose for the glycosylation of glycosylinositolphosphorylceramides is transported into the Golgi by GONST1 , whereas GDP-fucose is transported by GONST4, which has been renamed GDPfucose transporter1 . No Golgi-localized GDP-L-galactose transporters have been identified to date. GDP-L-galactose is synthesized from GDP-mannose in the cytosol …

Piping is a consequence of differential head and differential pore pressure

Ideally, the internal levee should maintain a factor of safety of above 1.4, and as such, the maximum back flooding of the system will be will be MSL + 6 ft. Table 3 shows that for different river water levels increasing the back flood water levels results in a increase in the the factor of …

Wheat straw and sweet potato stalk were cut into about half to one inch pieces using a blender

However, only photosynthesis rates during leaf senescence of plant pre-cultured at low N supply reflected leaf senescence score during reproductive growth and N efficiency in the field experiments. Therefore, cultivar differences in leaf senescence during reproductive growth can only partly be reproduced in a short-term nutrient-solution experiment. Several differences between vegetative and reproductive growth might influence the …

African-American groups have sought to reclaim and remold their rich heritage through urban farming

We refer to a farming system as “diversified” when it intentionally includes functional biodiversity at multiple spatial and/or temporal scales, through practices developed via traditional and/or agroecological scientific knowledge. Farmers manage this functional biodiversity to generate critical ecosystem services to agriculture . At the plot scale, diversified farming systems may include multiple genetic varieties of a given …