Beginning in the 1970s, economic researchers began to study the potential impacts of bans on the use of sub-therapeutic antibiotics on the pork, poultry, and beef sectors and on U.S. consumers, but there has been little study of how heterogeneity impacts antibiotic use, and in turn, how it impacts returns to using antibiotics in U.S. …
Tag Archives: hydroponic
We use digital agriculture for its semantic breadth and increasing currency
The ‘urbanization of hinterland’ requires the ability to observe, interpret, and manage processes of extended urbanization from zones of concentration. We then “bring information back in” by introducing a more materialist analysis of the role of information in global capitalist space, which centers on computation capital: the infrastructure necessary to transport and make legible enormous amounts …
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The process of carbon sequestration can be accelerated by coconut plantation and inter crop management
Based on a field study, Kumar et al.reported that the presence or absence of over-canopy had little effect on the rhizome yield of galangal , a medicinal plant, implying its shade tolerance.Being a shade-tolerant crop, galangal yield remained steady across a wide range of light availability conditions, from full light to a photosynthetic photon flux density as low …
Most stakeholders interviewed in this study share a demand for applying AI to agriculture
Agricultural farms are extremely pressed to get a rewarding return on their investments which leads to, at times of the year with high workload, farmers not getting much sleep at all.This is confirmed by a farmer who says that since he works so much, some hours are nearly unpaid.Implementing AI in agriculture could potentially mitigate …
The values presented in this study represent values in irrigation and food production
From this perspective, economists often propose that farmers should pay for the real value of the water they use for irrigation. Because of the presence of subsidies, the real value of water in agriculture is different from the price paid by farmers.It is also different from the cost of delivery, which does not account for …
Several studies were conducted on watermelon farming at home and abroad
The results from our IV estimations indicate that both shock types significantly and positively impact pesticide use.Notably, farmers who experience shocks are more likely to use up to 30% more pesticides than non-shock households.Furthermore, pests and diseases also have a significant and positive impact on fertilizer use with the same magnitude.In other words, these types of …
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Smart farming also has the potential to reduce the risk of crop loss and failure due to climate change
Managing water quality in river and ground water ecosystems is another shared challenge for sustainable agriculture in both the U.S.and South Korea.Water quality is intrinsically tied to water storage levels, stream flow and climate change.When estimating future life-cycle eutrophication, Lee et al.found that eutrophication in the Midwest U.S.stays relatively steady when using the Representative Concentration Pathways …
Agricultural ES and EDS related to arthropods mainly concerned regulating services
Arthropod functions and processes in SHF agrosystems were mostly related to pests, either their damage or their control.For instance, articles reported arthropod-related damages concerning herbivory on plants and consumption of stored grains , while potential of pest control by natural enemies was studied through parasitism and predation processes.Besides, pollination and hive-related products represented 15.35% and 6.14% of …
A key aspect of the philosophy of regenerative farming is that it actively considers human well-being
The patterns of adaptive capacity, however, are biased because its factors of farming economic status and innovative capitals are both affected once metropolitan counties are removed.Overall, after excluding metropolitan areas, vulnerability remains the same with notably high rates in the northwest and southern margins of Iowa, and lower rates in northeast Iowa and central Iowa …
The Mthatha River provides drinking and irrigation water to the residents in the catchment area
Alternatively, information providers can strategize with farmers on how to deal with inevitable trade-offs.Additionally, information providers that find it challenging to generate feedback from farmers based on their mode of WIS delivery may consider using a selection strategy that enables different categories of farmers to be selected across the district to give their opinion about …