The first work to do is to slash the weeds and grasses on the land to be farmed

To plant at the end of August after the land is burned in dry season and welcoming the rainy season in the early of September.By the time, the soil becomes fertile since the rainwater falls soaking dust and charcoal of the land.The age of rice ranges from six to seven months, so the age of …

Ultrathin sections of the hepatopancreas from diseased shrimp were analyzed using TEM

The samples of the cephalothoraxes and muscle segment were fixed with 4 % PFA for 24 h at 4 ◦C and then transferred to a graded ethanol series for dehydration, followed by treatment with 100 % xylene and infiltrating in paraffin.The sections were obtained and stained with conventional H&E staining according to the previous procedures.Subsequently, the …

Approximately half of farmers on adaptable farms were highly educated

A set of variables representing farmers’ goals, the perceived barriers in achieving their goals, problems related to soil condition, and the approach for preventing waterway eutrophication were derived from content analyses, as these questions were open-ended. The responses were analysed with conventional content analysis, in which the coding categories were derived from the data . …

New technologies frequently carry an important price tag

The last argument concerns the welfare of the individual animal. Cows have proved to have high diversity in their learning curve with some animals displaying a consistent need for cues and stimuli even after a long period. The negative sides of VF use include the risk of animal long-term exposure to the electric stimulus, negatively …

The national media again picked up on this message with tree planting only noted as a further mitigation measure

The inclination to align publications with the values and needs of agribusiness and present new product information as reportage, it suggests, reduced trust and supported the maintenance of the status quo in agricultural practice. Morris et al. compared the framing of antibiotic use in animal agriculture within national and sectoral publications in the UK. This highlighted …

Pursuingclimate neutrality is regarded as an important opportunity for primary producers

The mine has socio-cultural value, in terms of place identity and the identity of community members . For the policies to be seen as just, these identity-related issues need to be understood and recognized. Studies on farmers’ perceptions of agri-environmental policy implementation highlight the identity and socio-cultural aspects of farming purposes and practices . According …

More recent studies have focused on smart farming in general

For example, Long et al. explored the barriers to the adoption and diffusion of technological innovation for climate-related smart agriculture in Europe and specifically in the Netherlands, France, Switzerland and Italy. Carrer et al. investigated the factors influencing the adoption of farm management information systems by Brazilian citrus farmers. Morris et al. , focusing on pastoral farmers …

It is also identified as a major knowledge gap by other policy researchers

The number of participants in the control group should be twice as many as that of the treatment group to ensure a higher number of matched samples. Consequently, the target number of study participants was 1152. Data from the DCP and the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development were used during the pilot testing of the …

The Rapid Rural Appraisal approach was used to gather information from 81 active households

The large variation in the selling price of guinea fowl observed depended on the region and period of the year. In southern Benin, guinea fowl was more expensive due to the proximity to the urban centers and the low availability of the birds in this region. As for Northern Benin, the reluctance of farmers to …

Another way to improve nutrient utilization is to develop offshore integrated multi-trophic aquaculture

The concentration of TA was correlated with the CO2 flux in both months , suggesting the impact of CaCO3 dissolution/ precipitation. This situation was complex when we found that the correlations were positive in March but negative in April. The rapid increase in TA and decrease in pH with time in March , along with …