Tungsten oxidenano particles were purchased from US Research Nanomaterials

These toxic elements can be bio-available to terrestrial and aquatic organisms, including crop plants, and could be further bio-accumulated via the food chain causing damage to humans.Since these metals cannot be degraded, current remediation approaches include excavation or capping, with a very high cost and damage to ecosystems.In many cases, these options are not economically …

Seed lectin genes of both pea and soybean are expressed at low levels in roots

Taken together, these data indicate that MsLEC1 and MsLEC2 genes, as well as the orthologous gene MaLEC, are expressed in the youngest cells of indeterminate nodules of both alfalfa and white sweetclover. Moreover, the genes that encode these soluble lectins are also expressed in root tips. MsENOD40 gene expression. We hypothesized that expressing the lectin transgenes would not …

The micro-scale of the channels limits the applications of these devices to young seedlings

Microfluidic platforms have also been successfully employed to study the interactions between the root, microbiome and nematodes in real time . In the systems, additional vertical side channels are connected perpendicularly to the main micro-channel to enable introduction of microorganisms and solutes to the roots in a spatially and temporally defined manner . A recent …

The potential health and environmental impact of ENPs need to be understood

The first group includes four genes annotated as defense genes, a function that is likely not closely related with the observed phenotypes. This group includes TraesCS1B02G017500 and TraesCS1B02G0017600 , which encode proteins with NB-ARC and LRR domains characteristic of plant disease-resistance proteins involved in pathogen recognition and activation of immune responses. It also includes TraesCS1B02G017700and …

Extensive lesions were also observed when manipulating plant intrinsic catalase activity

Similar to what has been observed in other plant species, supplying rice leaves with G/GO resulted in the sustained production of H2O2within the apoplast , whereas a mixture of xanthine and xanthine oxidase was found to generate both superoxide and H2O2, the latter by dismutation. Treatment with either compoundor with the enzymes alone had no …

The absorbance was measured at 450 nm with a Spectramax 34C microplate reader

The average mass of CMG2-Fc per kg leaf fresh weight was 717 and 874 mg/kg leaf FW for the Kifunensine and Kifunensine samples, respectively . The control group expression level was consistent with previous results. These data suggest that the addition of kifunensine in the agro-infiltration process was not detrimental to transient protein production, and in this case, …

It has also been reported that Cd stress can induce a stress response via ABA signaling

Full-length BrpNAC895 and BrpABI449 were fused to the C-terminal and N-terminal halves of enhanced yellow fluorescent protein , respectively.The results demonstrated that BrpABI449 could be detected in the precipitates of MBP-BrpNAC895 and indicate that BrpNAC895 can interact with BrpABI449. The cotransfection of BrpABI449 with BrpNAC895 reduced the BrpNAC895-activated transcription of BrpHMA2 ; moreover, BrpABI449 could interact …

Arabidopsis thaliana cells were used for an initial kinetic evaluation and metabolic profiling

Metabolites were identified following the Metabolomics Standards Initiative conventions, using the highest confidence level , which is identified as at least two orthogonal measures versus authentic chemical standards . Three orthogonal measures were used to compare samples with authentic chemical reference standards: retention time , fragmentation spectra , and accurate mass . Peak height and …

Intuitively shoot nutrients should be somewhat correlated to soil nutrient availability

In the face of the potentially negative consequences of climate change on agriculture, all avenues of mitigation must be examined, and even small improvements may prove worthwhile.Bio-fuel crops have been developed as an alternative, carbonneutral energy source, among which the perennial C4 grass, Panicum virgatum L. , native to North America, can adapt to a …

The concentration of total organic acids was measured as alkalinity of the ash

Differences in total root length, surface and volume density, average root diameter, and root tips and fork densities were analyzed using a split-plot design with genotypes as main plots and depth as subplot. This is a conservative statistical analysis because it reduces the df for genotype from 3 to 1. Therefore, we also compared the two …